Welcome to the Thirty Days of Creativity Challenge!
Can we train ourselves to be more creative, to have more original ideas, to be better at problem solving? As a number of personal development books and scientific journals will tell us, the answer is YES! With that in mind, I designed this thirty day challenge in hopes of sparking my own creativity and (hopefully) generating more and better ideas by the end of it. I would love to have you join me!
I am by no means a neuroscientist, but I have tried to be thoughtful in developing this challenge with science in mind. As I’ve come to understand, new ideas are generally a result of two factors:
1: The “database” of raw material our brains have to work with: knowledge, experiences, and emotions. The more material you have to draw from, the more potential “aha!” connections your brain can make.
2: Having quiet or idle moments during which your subconscious can make you aware of the ideas it’s been working on. (You’ve probably experienced this, say, when you get a brilliant new idea in the shower.)
That’s an oversimplification, but those are the basic principles on which this challenge is based. Most of the prompts are designed to either build our mental database or promote periods of relaxed thinking time… or both!
With those goals in mind, let’s get started!
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Day 1. Tidy Your Work Space
The first prompt of our challenge is to prep our work space, so it’s as ready as we are for all the brilliant insights and ideas we’re about to uncover! Whether your official work space is an office, an artist studio, a desk in the kitchen corner, a dorm room, or your cozy bed, take a few minutes to declutter, tidy, and organize. Now, there is some debate over clutter and creativity. Some people feel that clutter is distracting and stressful, others find it stimulating. Wherever you are on the spectrum, I recommend taking a page from Marie Kondo’s book. (No, I’m not going to tell you to get rid of your books—honestly!) However, I do love her recommendation of keeping only those things that truly spark joy. Go ahead and keep your kids’ artwork, the tchotchke from a favorite vacation, the overflowing bookshelves, IF they are all things that you truly love and find inspiring. Then get rid of everything else! Straighten the stacks of magazines. File away the papers. Gather together the stray pens and paper clips. By reducing unwanted clutter, you’ll feel less stressed and ready to tackle your current creative projects. Well done—the month is off to an awesome start!
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Day 2. Take a Different Route
As I mentioned in my introduction to this challenge, a lot of the prompts are going to revolve around adding raw material to our mental database of inspiration and experiences, because these are the building blocks that our brain uses to form – yes – shiny new ideas! One of the ways we can develop that mental database is by introducing more novelty into our lives. Our creative brains thrive on the new and unusual! While that can mean seeking out extreme experiences, such as hang gliding or backpacking across Europe, it doesn’t have to. Today, we’re easing into the challenge with a simple task: Wherever you have to go today, whether it’s to school, work, or the grocery store, take a route that is different from the way you usually go. See how different your corner of the world looks when you travel down less-traversed roads. Your brain is intrigued already, and we’re just getting started!
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Day 3. Read a Nonfiction Book
Today, we’re going to start adding new knowledge to our well of raw material by diving in to a new book! (Readers rejoice!) The rules: it must be nonfiction (reading from your favorite fictional genre doesn’t count!), and it must be on a topic you know little to nothing about BUT when you are excited to explore. (This shouldn’t feel like homework!) Have you always wanted to know more about ancient Egypt? The life and times of Oscar Wilde? Developmental psychology? Now’s your chance! There are countless fascinating subjects we can learn about, and you simply never know what little tidbit you pick up from your reading might influence a creative work in the future.
Whatever book you choose, aim to have it finished by the end of the month. Happy reading!
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Day 4. Vow to Get More Sleep
How often do you sit down to work on your latest passion project, only to find yourself staring blankly at the screen or notepad in front of you, dreading all the work that still needs to be done? Maybe you’re uninspired… or maybe you’re just exhausted! Lack of sleep has been linked to a reduction in creativity, problem solving, and focus in countless studies. So this month, make it a priority to give your mind and body the rest they deserve.
If your schedule simply won’t allow you to net that coveted eight hours a night, napping during the day is a totally legitimate way to rack up those sleep hours. (In fact, lots of people feel they are most creative after a power nap.)
Some tips for getting more and better sleep:
Go to bed at the same time every night. This will help your body get into a regular cycle.
Turn off all screens (yes, even the TV!) at least one hour before bedtime.
Keep your room as dark as you can get it.
If you’re distracted by sounds, try a white noise machine.
Most people sleep better when the room is slightly cool, between 62 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
Avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon or evening.
So tonight, treat yourself to a warm bath, some herbal tea, or a little light stretching, and I hope you have sweet dreams!
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Day 5. Start a Dream Journal
Now that we’re on the path to getting more and better quality sleep, let’s grab a notebook and start a dream journal. There remains plenty of debate in the science world about the purpose of our dreams, but a lot of people believe that they are a direct window into our subconscious. I’ve known lots of writers and artists who routinely tap into the power of their dreams to assist with current projects or to help find solutions to a problem that is plaguing them. (And full disclosure: the idea for a cyborg Cinderella came to me in a dream many years ago!)
If you almost never remember your dreams, don’t despair! Trust me, you ARE dreaming at night (we all do, every single night), and there are ways to help you remember them, but it can take perseverance and determination.
I’ve kept a dream journal off and on throughout my life, and here are some tips I’ve found helpful:
Designate a particular journal and pen for the job and keep it on your nightstand in easy reach.
Write the date before you go to bed. This sets the tone for your brain, letting it know that you want to remember your dreams.
When you start to wake up, hold completely still. Keep your eyes closed. The less you move around, the more likely you are to remember. Try to recall as much of your dream as you can.
When you’re ready, open your journal and write down everything. Many people find it helpful to write in first person, present tense, i.e., “I am standing on the street in front of my childhood home…” You may remember more as you start to write. Jot it all down, even if it’s random bits and pieces. Don’t worry about making sense. Dreams usually don’t!
Once you get comfortable using the dream journal, you can experiment with different ways of tapping in to your subconscious while you sleep. If you’re a writer with a tricky plot problem, write a request in your journal before going to bed: “Please help me figure out this plot twist!” Record your dream the next morning and see if anything helpful rose to the surface. You never know!
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Day 6. Watch a Documentary
I absolutely love documentaries! I always learn something from them that I didn’t know before and good ones can be every bit as engrossing as a Hollywood action flick. As with our nonfiction book choice, try to choose a documentary on a topic that interests you, but that you’re relatively unfamiliar with. Some of my personal favorites: Searching for Sugar Man, Cooked with Michael Pollan, and Evil Genius. Or check the Rotten Tomatoes best documentary movies list for more ideas!
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Day 7. Make Time for Exercise
If exercise isn’t already a part of your regular lifestyle, then I doubt ONE more person saying you should do it is going to make much of a difference. But! All that talk of weight management, chronic disease, and stress reduction aside, did you know that science has also linked exercise with creative thinking, the ability to problem solve, and the generation of new ideas? If you already exercise regularly—high fives! Proceed as usual! But if exercise isn’t currently a part of your routine, no worries. Even just a short walk can help distance us from our work and help our brains come up with new possibilities and solutions. Today, carve out at least twenty minutes to go for a walk, do some yoga, or sign up for a local fitness class.
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Day 8. Declare your Mantra
Today we’re going to spend a few minutes declaring a personal mantra that we can return to throughout the rest of the month. I, personally, have a number of personal mantras that I’ve found helpful again and again whenever I find myself getting stuck in my writing or frustrated with a particular project.
To begin, think about your own approach to creativity, and any personal struggles you might have toward creative work. Are you held back by perfectionism? Stymied by a fear of failure or rejection? Do you question if you’re good enough, or feel like an impostor? Do you worry that your ideas will never be as good in execution as they are in your imagination? Whatever your doubts and concerns, your personal mantra should be something that helps to silence those internal voices and encourage you to believe in your own creativity and competence.
Some suggested mantras:
“A great idea is waiting for me.”
“I am creative by nature.”
“It does not have to be perfect.”
“I can always make it better later.”
“A solution to this problem already exists, I only have to find it.”
“I am more creative when I am happy and calm.”
“I am good enough.”
Or come up with your own! Once you’ve found something that rings true for you, write it down and post it where you’ll be reminded of it throughout the month.
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Day 9. Try a New Cuisine
We continue on our mission to fill our minds and imaginations with as much raw material from the real world as possible, and today is a super fun one, because it involves FOOD! (A favorite pastime.) Depending on how adventurous you typically are with your food choices, this may or may not be an easy task to fulfill. If you have the option of visiting a restaurant with authentic cuisine that’s new to you, then give it a shot! For bonus points, try asking your server for their recommendations on the most popular or traditional dishes.
But you don’t have to go out to eat to explore unfamiliar edibles. You can also find a new recipe and give it a go in your own kitchen. I love to make a game of grocery shopping, where I try to buy at least one ingredient I’ve never had before, then figure out how to use it. The idea is simply to try something new and see what flavors and textures you might have been missing out on all this time!
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Day 10. Listen to Classical Music
Why classical? I honestly don’t know! But there have been many social experiments conducted that found that people were better able to come up with creative solutions to various challenges when they were listening to classical music. So let’s give it a try! Whether you turn on a classical channel on Pandora while you’re powering through today’s word count, or tune in to your local classical radio station while you’re running errands, spend some time today with Mozart and Beethoven.
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Day 11. Build an Inspiration Board
Yesterday we enjoyed some pleasant music, and now we’re switching to more visual stimulation! Today, spend some time compiling an inspiration board. You can do it digitally, such as on Pinterest, or if you’re a writer who uses Scrivener, then you can pin some images to a Scrivener research board. Or go old-fashioned and cut images from magazines and paste them to a poster board. Whatever works for you!
What should the subject of your inspiration board be? Good question! It could be project-specific: try gathering photos of actors and models that look like the characters in your current manuscript, or finding postcards for the book’s settings. Or you could find resources of paintings and photos that give you a spark of joy and make you want to create your own work. Or try creating a “life inspiration” board, perhaps with places you’d like to travel, crafts you’d like to make, and photos of gardens you hope to emulate in your own backyard. There are all sorts of ways to be creative in our daily lives, so let this challenge work for you in whatever way feels right!
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Day 12. Test a Different Location
Remember way back at the start of this challenge when we put all that work into tidying up our usual work space? Today, the goal is to take our work outside the usual and set up shop in a brand new locale! Personally, as much as I love my writing studio, I always find new inspiration when I take my laptop to a local café or restaurant. There’s something about being in a different place that makes the work feel fun and invigorating again. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re away from procrastination traps like unfolded laundry or dirty dishes….
Today, if you can, try to head out and discover a new favorite place to work on your creative projects. Cafes and restaurants are great choices, but you might also try a bench in a local park, the sofa at a friend’s house, aboard public transportation, or even the serene lounge outside the restrooms at Nordstrom’s. (Been there, done that.) The novelty might just get knock loose a few new ideas, and who knows? Maybe you’ll even discover your favorite new place to escape to when creativity sparks.
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Day 13. Practice a New Skill
Today’s challenge might be a bit more effort-intensive than our previous prompts, but it’s also multi-functional. Today, choose a skill you’d like to try your hand at—any skill at all! By practicing something new and unfamiliar, we’ll be adding new experiences and knowledge to our mental database, learning new concepts, building new neuropathways, and reminding ourselves that there is always room for self-development. And it might even be fun!
The skill itself is completely up to you. Have you always wanted to take up watercolor painting? How about crochet? Learn how to change a car tire? Play the harmonica? Bake a croissant? Put your hair up in one of those fancy braid crowns? Today, take some time to gather your materials, learn the beginner steps, and dive in!
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Day 14. Have a “No Screens” Day
Did your heart squeeze in terror at the suggestion of a “No Screens” day just now? Don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you lock your phone in a drawer and unplug your computer for the next twenty-four hours (though if you have the option to do that, power to you!). We have jobs and lives, I get it. However, when our brains are constantly receiving stimuli from apps, games, and social media feeds, we miss out on a lot of opportunities to slow down, take in the world around us, and—yes—come up with sparkly new ideas.
So today, do your best to disconnect from your technical gadgets as much as possible. Put your phone in another room and pick it up only if absolutely necessary. Use your computer to get your work done, then shut it down. Don’t turn on the TV. Spend that extra time reading, go for a long walk, or practicing that awesome new skill you took up yesterday.
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Day 15. Plan a Trip
Travel is one of the most effective and fun ways of discovering the world around us and adding to our mental database of experiences, knowledge, and inspiration! Though I know it’s asking too much to take a trip during this month-long challenge, take a look at your calendar today and see if you can’t pencil something in for later in the year. Whether you book that bucket-list hike to Macchu Picchu, or a staycation in your hometown where you’ll plan to see the local sights through the eyes of a tourist, start making some plans and figuring out how to make them real!
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Day 16. Go Outside
Spend some time researching ways to boost creativity and you’ll inevitably find someone recommending that you spend time outdoors. Whether it’s because all that fresh air helps improve blood flow to the brain, or because the sensory stimulation helps form new neural pathways, or because being out in nature simply puts us in the mood to daydream and speculate, there’s undeniably something about going outside that makes us more creative individuals.
Today, the idea is not to go outside and work. Rather, take at least fifteen minutes to go somewhere green and vibrant and allow yourself to truly enjoy the beautiful world around you. Take off your shoes and dig your toes into the grass or sand. Close your eyes and listen to the birds and the wind in trees. Literally smell the roses.
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Day 17. Talk It Out
Have you ever been stuck on a project for days or weeks, and then you sit down and start explaining all the trouble you’re having to a friend and before you’ve even gotten to the end of your long list of complaints, suddenly the perfect solution hits you? Or your friend makes one comment and suddenly you see the project in a whole new light?
Talking through our creative work with a trusted confidante (or two) can benefit our creativity in two ways. First, there’s something about talking out a difficult problem that helps us see it from new perspectives. By explaining it to someone else, we’re forced to distill the issues into something concise and clear, and explain them in a way that makes sense. Often, the very act of doing so reengages new parts of our thinking brain and, as a result, we may discover new solutions for ourselves.
Second, the input from our confidantes can provide infinite value in itself. They might suggest the very idea that will help us! Or, even if their specific ideas don’t lead to a solution, often when we can see what won’t work, it helps us visualize instead what will work.
Today, talk to a friend – over email, the phone, or a cup of coffee if possible – and tell them about your current creative endeavor. If you’ve been stuck, tell them about the things that are troubling you. But even if things have been going well, you can still use your confidante as a sounding board for the ideas you’re working with. Who knows? They might offer insights you hadn’t considered before. Hopefully you’ll end the conversation feeling newly inspired!
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Day 18. Read a Magazine or Newspaper
I love magazines and newspapers, and how each issue is a like a mini anthology of thoughtful essays, fun stories, life hacks, new ideas, and beautiful images. Today, flip through any newspaper or magazine that catches your fancy. Bonus points if you try a periodical that you don’t already subscribe to! (Personally, I subscribe to mostly travel and lifestyle magazines, so I’ll be checking out the magazine rack at the store for something brand new. Maybe I’ll discover a new favorite!)
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Day 19. Meditate
I’ve had a semi-regular meditation practice for about the past three years, and in that time I’ve been amazed at what an incredible mental tool meditation can be. I first started practicing meditation when my deadline for Renegades was fast approaching and I felt utterly swamped and overwhelmed by how much work I still had to do it—I hoped that meditation would help keep me focused while I worked. And you know what? It worked like a boss! Not only did I feel better able to focus for longer periods of time, it also helped me feel less stressed and better able to fend off unhelpful thoughts (like: this book is terrible, why are you even bothering with it?). And THEN I started noticing changes in my non-writing life, too. I was stopping to appreciate small, happy moments more often. I was more patient with my children. And – yes – I even felt more creative and emotionally energized.
Which all is to say – meditation is practically magic and if you’ve never tried it before, I truly hope you’ll give it a shot! My own experiences aside, there is also a ton of science linking meditation to brain health. It builds neural pathways, engages oft-underused parts of the brain, and makes us more attuned to our subconscious mind, all things that help in unleashing our creativity.
If you’re new to meditation, I really love the Headspace app, which has a series of guided meditations led by a former Tibetan monk. You can also visit headspace.com for some general advice on how to meditate.
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Day 20. Visit a Museum
Depending on what type of museum you opt to visit, today’s prompt can impact our creativity in a number of different ways. You might go for the strange and novel (such as a museum full of vintage nutcrackers or wind-up toys), or educational (a maritime museum, museum of natural sciences), or inspirational (how about a museum of glass art or sculpture?), or even playful (perhaps a hand-on children’s museum). Whatever you choose, take your time and immerse yourself in the experience. Who knows what you might learn, discover, or develop a new appreciation for.
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Day 21. Take a Bath
There are few things quite as nourishing as a long, hot bath. Today: we pamper ourselves! If you’re a novice in the art of bath-taking (and yes, it is an art), make the most of your experience by having everything you need handy: a cold glass of sparkling water, a few pieces of dark chocolate, a nice soft towel, some bath salts or oils. Turn on some soft, classical music, and let yourself relax. Though I will often bring a book or notepad into the bathtub with me, today I suggest we go without, to truly let our minds mull over all the wonderful experiences we’ve been having these past three weeks, and to let our thoughts wander luxuriously for a while. Aaaaaaahhhh.
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Day 22. Listen to a Podcast
I’m relatively new to podcasts (mostly because I would usually rather spend that time with an audiobook), but as my family has started taking longer road trips this past year, podcasts have become a shared enjoyment for me and my husband, something to pass the long hours in the car and give us something new to talk about. (We recently finished “COLD,” about the Susan Powell disappearance – chilling!) As with documentaries, there is so much quality material out there, covering every topic imaginable. Today, let’s try to carve out 30-60 minutes to be swept up in a true-crime drama, learn about a fascinating time in history, or simply enjoy listening to a host (or two) talk about something they’re passionate about.
If you, like me, are new to podcasts, I particularly enjoy “99% Invisible,” as each episode talks about something unique and unusual, and I have yet to be disappointed by any of them.
I would also love to hear your recommendations for our next road trip!
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Day 23. Make Something with Your Hands
I suspect some of you have been waiting for this prompt all month!! While others might have just felt a twinge of anxiety. Full confession… I lean toward the latter group! As much as I love creating with the written word, there is something about hands-on crafts and art that brings out my inner perfectionist – meaning that I’m rarely satisfied with anything I create! (Raise your hand if you feel this way, too.) But I’m frequently inspired watching my twins at their crafting table. They’ll turn anything into a piece of art. Some Elmer’s glue and a basket of feathers, buttons, beads, or glitter, and they’re in seventh heaven. And it looks like so much fun!!
So today, I’m going to work hard to ignore the instinct to make something “good,” and simply create for the fun of it. Let’s all channel our inner kindergarteners and see where it leads!
If the idea of a mixed-media collage doesn’t appeal to you, no worries! Try building a birdhouse, planting a pot of herbs, crocheting a scarf, beading a necklace, or designing a homemade greeting card to send to a loved one. The possibilities are endless. The goal is just to have fun!
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Day 24. Stretch
Originally the prompt for today was going to be “Do some Yoga,” because Yoga has been linked to all sorts of creativity-boosting benefits, including a reduction in stress, better brain health and overall function, better energy, and more awareness of our physical and mental states. But I also know that yoga can seem really intimidating to people who haven’t practiced it before, and I didn’t want anyone to shy away from this challenge. Luckily, just taking some time to stretch out our muscles can bring many of the same wonderful benefits!
So today, if you can attend a yoga class or perform some sun salutations in your bedroom, then be my guest! But if yoga isn’t for you, that’s fine, too. Just spend some time (I recommend right before bed) to find a nice, quiet place where you can stretch out your muscles. If you want some guidance, there are lots of guide videos on YouTube that will talk you through a full-body stretching routine. Take deep breaths, go slowly, don’t rush. Not only does stretching help counter some of the effects of sitting at desks all day like so many of us do, but it can also help calm our racing minds and let us be more mindful going forward.
*insert the deep, contented sighs here*
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Day 25. Watch a TED Talk
TED Talks are my newest obsession! I read a book about public speaking from the creators of the TED Talk last year while I was preparing for a Keynote speech, and the book talked about so many fascinating talks that had been given that I kept having to stop reading so I could watch them. And I’ve learned so much! About so many topics! Not just writing and the arts, but also ocean exploration and the role of non-profits in society and the nutritional education and, like, just so many interesting things!
And one of the greatest thing about TED Talks is that they’re so short! All of this wonderful information distilled down into 10-20 minute chunks. So take some time on your lunch break to scroll through the TED web site and learn something new from an expert in their field.
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Day 26. Write by Hand
We are so lucky to live in a time of computers and technology, in which we can quickly and easily write, revise, and edit our work, without all the bother of ink quills and parchment! And yet – scientists have learned that writing by hand (with paper and pen) engages different areas of the brain than writing on a keyboard, and those different areas of the brain… tend to be the creative, problem-solving, idea-generating parts! Have you ever been stuck on a problem while sitting at your computer, but as soon as you switch to a notebook, ideas start to tumble out of you? There really is something different about the two experiences.
Today, spend five or ten minutes writing by hand. Regardless of your creative endeavor, writing by hand can be beneficial. Of course, if you’re a writer, then you can use the time to draft your next scene, article, or essay. But artists and businesspeople of all types can benefit from doing from a few minutes of personal journaling or freewriting. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just start writing and see what comes out.
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Day 27. Do nothing
That’s right. Today we do nothing—and we do it with intention and zeal! Try to carve out fifteen to thirty minutes of uninterrupted time in your day to sit and, that’s right, do nothing! Don’t read. Don’t check your phone. Don’t listen to a podcast. You don’t even have to think about your current work in progress. Simply find a park bench or your favorite cozy armchair and sit for a while. Stare idly into space. Contemplate the flight path of a butterfly. Observe a meandering ant. Notice the tiny details of your space that you’ve never noticed before. Breathe.
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Day 28. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
Now that we’re nice and relaxed from our imposed idleness yesterday, it’s time to do something that’s a little scary! (Or at least a little uncomfortable.) Today, force yourself out of your comfort zone. This might consist of striking up a conversation with a complete stranger. Or presenting a new idea to your teacher or boss. Maybe it’s signing up for an intimidating class at the gym, or volunteering to be a tutor at a local school. Maybe it’s trying sashimi for the first time, or wearing that bold hat you love but always fear it makes you look a little silly. Wherever your boundaries are, push against them today, a little or a lot.
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Day 29. Brainstorm
We are almost to the END of our 30 day experiment, and today’s prompt is going to (hopefully!) start bringing together all of the hard mental weightlifting we’ve been doing. If you’ve followed along, then over the past 28 days you’ve added a ton of new information and experiences to your mental cache. We’ve formed new neural pathways and our subconscious has been plugging away, assimilating all this new data into our previous reserves of thoughts and ideas.
Today’s prompt is to take 15-20 minutes and brainstorm your current WIP, whatever that may be. (If you’re not currently working on a creative project, you could brainstorm… future creative projects! Poetry, song lyrics, story ideas, home decorating projects… the choice is yours.) You can brainstorm either by making a list – for example, a list of new scene ideas on your current novel. Or you can use the mind mapping technique, where you create a visual web of associated ideas. Perhaps you start with your story’s setting – say, coastal town – and start writing down everything that comes to your mind based on that setting. (Google brainstorming techniques if you’re not familiar with this technique, or to get ideas for other brainstorming options.)
So grab a notebook or whiteboard and see what new ideas rise to the surface!
And of course, there is no expiration date on all the new material we’ve added to our mental database this past month. Who knows? That magazine article you read last week could spark an idea a year from now! I hope the prompts from these past 30 days will continue to inspire for a long time to come.
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Day 30. Start a “Someday” List
I was introduced to the Someday List from David Allen’s productivity guide “Getting Things Done.” I’d had a bucket list since college, full of things I wanted to do before I died. (No. 1: Write a Novel. Check!) Also things like… see a show on Broadway and eat at a Michelin starred restaurant in Paris. Life is short and should be lived to the fullest, and a bucket list can be a great tool for achieving the lives we dream about.
The Someday List is similar, but more… extensive. It is a list full of not only big dreams and aspirations, but little things, too. Home renovations we’d like to tackle, or foods we’d like to try, or topics we’d like to learn more about. Maybe someday you’d like to take a watercolor painting class, or try that downtown salsa dancing bar, or binge watch all Harry Potter movies in one epic marathon. Essentially, your list should include anything and everything for which you’ve ever had the thought: “Someday I’d like to…”
Start compiling your list today, and keep it nearby going forward (mine lives in my phone), so you can add to it whenever a new thought pops into your head. Then – and this is important! – review your list regularly! Make a point of glancing through it at least a couple times a month, and ask yourself if there’s anything on your list that you can start making a plan to accomplish. You’ll see an amazing thing start to happen… pretty soon those Somedays will turn into Todays! It’s a little bit like magic.
Creativity is often born out of curiosity, novelty, and life. I hope we’re all feeling a little more creative after these past 30 days, but there is no reason that it should end here. Let’s all make the cultivation of new ideas and experiences a priority, and continue to live our most awesome, creative lives.
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If you enjoyed this challenge, please share it on your social media channels! #30daysofcreativity
The Thirty Days of Creativity Challenge copyright Marissa Meyer / Rampion Books, Inc.