Announcing the Lunar Chronicles Fan Video Contest!



I interrupt this blogging hiatus (again) to announce that there are big things a-brewing.


This summer, my publisher and I will be making an announcement regarding the Lunar Chronicles and some awesome things that you guys have to look forward to. I am really excited about it and I think you will be, too!


(And before you guys get all a-twitter, I will tell you that it’s not movie- or TV-related. But it IS big.)


In preparation for the big announcement, Macmillan is hosting their first ever fan video contest!




To Enter: Create a video where you tell us why the Lunar Chronicles is THE BEST THING EVER, who your favorite character is, and why you’ll love them forever. Upload the video to YouTube and submit the link with the rest of your information here to enter the contest!


One grand prize winner will receive a Lunar Chronicles-branded tablet filled with Lunar Chronicles goodies, a signed set of CINDER, SCARLET, and a personalized CRESS by Marissa Meyer, and an exclusive sneak peek at book four! (Whoa, even I didn’t know about the sneak peek until I copied this from the contest’s entry page, lol!)


Five first place winners will receive a signed set of CINDER, SCARLET and CRESS by Marissa Meyer, and an Iko-branded USB filled with Lunar Chronicles goodies.


The rest? You’ll win eternal Lunar Chronicles and Internet glory!


The contest deadline is June 13, so be sure to submit your entry by then. GOOD LUCK!


Our Big Announcement will come later in June—stay tuned for more info!



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P.S. I asked my publisher about the age and US-only thing, and here is their response:


Anyone over the age of 13 is able to submit a video but only people over 18 and in the US are qualified for the prizing. This is because YouTube doesn’t allow anyone under the age of 18 to be qualified for promotions.

We just published a blog post on MacTeenBooks to try and help clarify:

We set up a separate giveaway for people 13 and up in the US and Canada to spread the love as far as possible: