Instant Karma

With a Little Luck – Cover Reveal!

If you follow me on social media, you’ve seen this news but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this adorably swoony cover for WITH A LITTLE LUCK, my next book, which just happens to come out in time for Valentine’s day. It’s already available for preorder, so you can reserve […]

Instant Karma Audio!

Now that we’re done with release week, I thought I’d take a minute to highlight the audio book of INSTANT KARMA. I couldn’t be more pleased that the amazing Rebecca Soler is back as narrator! Want to hear a sample? Here you go: Available from your favorite audio book retailer. Have […]

Instant Karma Release!

It’s finally here! INSTANT KARMA releases today! I truly had so much fun writing this book and hope you love it. If you haven’t already ordered your copy, gets yours from your local independent bookshop, order from our online affiliate at, or find your favorite store here. Audio is […]