My 2014 Writing Plan

Last year I posted about my writing business plan and my goals for 2013, so today I thought I’d look back and see just how much I did (and did not) accomplish, and also give some insight into my upcoming year.



My 2013 Business Plan

– Launch and promote SCARLET (success!)

– Final revisions/edits for CRESS and early promotion (success!)

– Turn WINTER in to my editor

– Turn the Secret Nano Project (a.k.a. HEARTLESS) in to my editor

– Brainstorm and outline whatever will come next (semi-success)

– More regular updates to the Marissa Meyer Facebook fan page (esp. while traveling) (success!)


In the end, it turned out that I way, way, way (way way way way WAY) underestimated how much time it was going to take me to revise WINTER. This book has been about ten times the headache that the first three books were. Not to worry. I am nearing the end (finally!) and I’m hopeful that I’ll have it off to my editor soon, but… yeah. It definitely did not happen in 2013, and the thought that I’d hoped to revise both WINTER and HEARTLESS last year is seriously laughable.

But! I did write two short stories and a novella tied in to the Lunar Chronicles universe, and those hadn’t been on the initial business plan, so all in all, I’m pretty pleased with my progress last year.

And now…


My 2014 Business Plan

– Launch and promote CRESS (one month to go!!!)

– Final revisions/edits for WINTER and early promotion

– Turn HEARTLESS in to my editor

– Final revisions/edits for HEARTLESS? (publishing schedule TBD)

– Outline and draft at least the first book in my next series. (Come November, if I’m feeling ambitious, I may attempt to draft two or even three books, like I first did with TLC. But . . . we’ll see. I might decide to take a 30-day nap instead.)

– Start a book club.

– Go on my first group writing retreat.


Which sounds like a crazy-fun productive year!


Interested in making your own writing business plan? Check out my original post for more strategies.

And feel free to post your own goals for this year in the comments!